washing cloth diapers in a small nyc apartment

I thought we wouldn't be able to cloth diaper our baby because of living in an apartment with no washer/dryer. After doing some research, I realized we had an option. I found this Haier HLP21N portable washer and it has worked wonders for us. It is a bit of a chore rolling it over and hooking it up, but we have gotten into the routine. We also use it for all of our baby's clothes. 
We have only used Rockin' Green detergent and it has worked really well for us so we haven't needed to experiment with too many others.

Here is what I found works for washing cloth diapers:

1. Cold wash with no soap, as soon as water is completed draining out and before new water comes in...
2. Press pause, turn off machine, turn on machine, select wash cycle and water level, turn off cold water, turn on hot water (or a combination of the two for warm), press start
3. Let it run its own rinse cycle
4. As soon as it stops rinsing and starts draining water...
5. Press pause, turn off machine, turn on machine, select rinse and water level, (you can change to a cold rinse if you'd like), press start
6. Let it run through its second rinse cycle and spin
7. Dry on rack