exceptional, ethically sourced down comforter by feathered friends

Winter is still in its full glory. Since learning about ethically sourced down, thanks to reviewing and researching Patagonia’s ethical practices, if I am going to purchase something made from down, I try my hardest to purchase things made with ethically sourced down. This isn’t always possible because of cost, but I try to look for sales and be resourceful. In my search for a new down comforter for our little one, I found Feathered Friends. The down in all of their super warm products is humanely sourced, and is RDS certified, Responsible Down Standard certified. You can read more about RDS here: responsibledown.org. The holistic welfare of geese under this standard is respected, and their feathers are never plucked live and they are not force fed to fatten them up.

We have the Feathered Friends Bavarian Down Comforter, twin size, medium weight. It is 700 fill power european goose down with 400 thread count cotton and is certified hypoallergenic. It is so fluffy, lightweight, soft and very warm without being too warm. It is like a cloud and is the nicest down comforter we own by far. The kids love it, as do we!

The cotton used for this comforter is soft, lightweight, and silky. The comforter doesn’t weigh a lot, so there is a lightness and breath to using it, a beautiful balance of being very warm and cozy, but not too hot.

In this video, I tried to show the feel and weight in this short clip, to get a sense of the softness and loft…

Feathered Friends was founded in 1972, and is based in Seattle, WA by a husband and wife team whose connection to the outdoors inspired them to make the products they were making. Their website is easy to navigate and refreshing to look at, their products are all so cozy looking and there is a lot of care in what they do. After searching the web for ethically sourced down comforters, I was most interested in and impressed with Feathered Friends, I reached out to them to review theirs. Many thanks to Feathered Friends for providing me with the comforter for this review.